This is one Mean Old Lady!

This is one Mean Old Lady!
Self-portrait: 'Quilter on Fire'

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Learning the Ropes

I successfully embedded ONE picture, but now that I've added three images, things are not behaving quite as well.

This is a lovely time of year--even though it seems as if the heat and humidity have arrived juuuuuuust a bit earlier than we hoped. The pool is open, and I've contented myself this year with just a few pots of Wave petunias. I skeptically bought ONE a couple of years ago, and now I am an absolute fan. They tolerate mistreatment, storms, and even a few frosts. The next day--more flowers! All season long! What's not to love?

No matter what I did, I couldn't get this image of my buttery-yellow Missouri primrose to rotate clockwise and save. Just tilt your head. Some years ago while both kids spent a week in camp, we traveled in upper New York State-- Westfield, Fredonia, etc.--at the time a great antiquing and winery area. We stopped at a barn sale in Braxton, where a very elderly lady, enjoying my enthusiasm for her flowerbeds, gave me a spadeful of this, saying, "It needed thinning anyway." I carried it around the rest of the week, watering it occasionally, until we got back to Chagrin Falls. In time all of my Ohio friends had some of it, and naturally I had to bring a chunk with me to Arkansas, too. It tolerates almost any setting and gradually spreads.

Echinacea probably needs no introduction. This year it's looking especially fine; if only it were not along the fence behind the asparagus bed, I'd probably be able to see it! I waded back there (need to weed AGAIN) just for you. There are Shasta daisies next to it, along with another patch of Missouri primrose.

Okay, now I think I know what went wrong with my previous attempt to embed pictures. If I just redo the post, I may be able to publish a little 'Asparagus for All' how-to. Depending on your areas of the country, it's not too late to start a bed. Reluctant gardeners may choose to skip that offering.


  1. Blogger, as you are discovering, is a cruel and foolish publication platform. But I can help you with the sideways-picture problem. Do this: open up the folder on your computer where the file lives. Click on the file to open it in your basic Windows Photo Viewer. It will, of course, look right-side-up. Using the buttons at the bottom, rotate it 90 degrees. Then rotate it back, so it's right-side-up again. Close the Photo Viewer. Now, when you post it to Blogger, it will be rightside up. It's a silly problem and a silly fix, but it has the advantage of working.

  2. Michael: Thanks! I fixed the image in my Pictures file, although that does nothing for the post. But *next* time, I'll know how to deal with the problem. This process is certainly making me appreciate all the more, the amount of effort and expertise you bring to your blog. Except for those excruciatingly unfair tests, that is.


Rose 'Crepuscular'

Asparagus bed--post harvest

Lake Conway Mutti und Kinder