This is one Mean Old Lady!

This is one Mean Old Lady!
Self-portrait: 'Quilter on Fire'

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Today in History

The eleventh of August is our anniversary.  Today marks our 31st.  

Hubby Dearest forgot it.  Again.

Sometimes people see this picture and look, in a perplexed way, up at me and then back down at the photo.  I find a Peter Sellers line from 'The Wrong Box' quite apt at such times:  
'I was not always as you see me now.'


  1. I showed this to Joseph and he said "well that goes way back"....hmmph, he should talk.

    Happy Anniversary again....

  2. Well congratulations! I hope you'll be celebrating appropriately. My husband and I can never forget our anniversary since it's on Halloween.

    The figs are finally ripening fast and furiously. I will have to make a fig bread soon.

  3. Aww... Cute cute cute.

    We're 9th of August people, ourselves.

  4. A belated Happy Anniversary! We'll be at 41 in a couple weeks.


Rose 'Crepuscular'

Asparagus bed--post harvest

Lake Conway Mutti und Kinder