This is one Mean Old Lady!

This is one Mean Old Lady!
Self-portrait: 'Quilter on Fire'

Monday, November 15, 2010

'A.....My Name is Alice'

On Sunday afternoon we went to the Conway Community Theater matinee presentation of the above-titled revue.  It was staged with ten, rather than five, actresses.....and iIt was absolutely delightful.

We've been attending the CCT for years, so we know quite a few of the regulars who perform in the very diverse productions.  'Alice' included a recent Hendrix College graduate (so young that she made a very believable fifteen-year-old) and a University of Central Arkansas theater major; both of them were so youthful, talented, and adorable that it ought to be illegal...

The revue was developed by a large group of contributors and song-writers in 1983; more than 25 years after it was first produced, it remains timeless.  If you ever have a chance to see this, don't pass it up!  

Now, for something completely different....I'm driving to Little Rock this morning to see a specialist about this kidney business.  Thanks to Small Laura's pronunciation when referring to her own 'kibineys' ...I'm a little worried that I might slip up and use our family terminology.  One does prefer to establish credibility as a sentient patient....


  1. I hope your doctor's appointment goes well!

  2. good luck Elaine...really hope he can help prevent another one!


Rose 'Crepuscular'

Asparagus bed--post harvest

Lake Conway Mutti und Kinder