But, at last the first asparagus tip emerged in the bed, and now I am cutting twice a day...and the flowers are glorious!
The redbuds were first the check in. When we moved here, this tree was maybe 2' high.
The violets are also quick to come up. Originally, this bed was filled with overgrown, diseased hybrid azaleas. The only one that was spared is the one with its roots entangled in the crepe myrtle's. The bed is heavily shaded, but irises and Missouri primrose, hostas, elephant ear, and some bulbs all thrive there. The iris bed to the right of the walkway has a tiny redbud volunteer that I am keeping and a Brave Little Dogwood (with a single flower.)
Here it is!
Lamium appeared (possibly via bird) in the bed, near the azalea. It shyly flowers at the same time as the violets.
Japanese irises are in bloom (and will bloom again in late Summer/early Fall.) The vinca minor ground-cover has periwinkle-blue flowers. Soon the live oaks will renew their leaves (which drop heavily in the Winter cold here) and the deep shade will explain why no grass would grow in the yard!
The pink azalea at the corner of the house (see the left side above) had never flowered in the very shady location. In fact, I didn't realize it was there! Then a serious ice storm eliminated one of the trunks of the live oak on that side of the yard. More sunlight...and voila! Flowers!
The wisteria in the back yard--asparagus in foreground, Little Pinkie rose to the left--has a heavenly fragrance. Big bumblebees are all over it. This year I will cut it back heavily. (It has already destroyed the little trellis I had put up.) The trumpet vine is just beginning to green up; it won't put out its orange flowers until late Summer.
Here is a close-up of the vinca...
...and the view across the street to my neighbor Betty's pretty landscaping.
Beautiful gardens!