This is one Mean Old Lady!

This is one Mean Old Lady!
Self-portrait: 'Quilter on Fire'

Monday, February 5, 2018

    Our horse-loving daughter, Laura, created endless horse pictures, played with model horses, dreamed of someday owning a horse.  That wish came true when she acquired a paint mare named Chloe; unfortunately, skittish Chloe spooked and threw Laura early last month--broken wrist, badly wrenched leg, bruises galore.  During the time she spent with us, recuperating, she and I went through several storage boxes filled with childhood art and schoolwork done by Laura and brother Nathaniel.  

This series of hand-drawn cartoon panels, entitled "Goof-Up," tells a story.....somewhat prescient!  

"How pathetic," the horse thinks, as the happy-go-lucky person approaches.

A thundercloud conveys the horse's mood as the rider stands on the mounting block.

The horse acts!

Emotions are on display!  The hapless rider lands in the stock tank while the horse celebrates.

The End!

1 comment:

  1. My special ed teacher daughter called this morning Apparently she ate the last of the springerle with her morning coffee, and is adamant that I break with tradition and make a couple of batches early, rather than wait for Christmas. Guess it's high time I did a Tom Sawyer on her and have her come visit for a couple of days so she can make her own whenever she wants!
    And your daughter's pictures remind me of one of the funniest homework assignments any of my kids dis. My seven year old son had to look at a series of pictures of an adult (probably Mom) and a kid with a deflated balloon. He was supposed to draw the next panel. The fright wig hair and facial expressions of the two when the balloon popped still have me in stitches. He's 37 now, and while his humor has become more sophisticated, you can still see that smart-alack humor pretty often. And what's worse, he's passing it on to his own kids now! It's amazing to watch the handing down.


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