This is one Mean Old Lady!

This is one Mean Old Lady!
Self-portrait: 'Quilter on Fire'

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Denizens of WordPlay

There are those of us who share a harmless interest in (um, addiction to?) crossword puzzles--most especially those in The New York Times.  Once we've solved the daily puzzle (or not) we visit WordPlay, the crossword blog hosted by Deb Amlen, and post our own 'take' on the day's challenge.  (The day I signed up I must have been in a mood--hence the Mean Old Lady sobriquet.)  

Here are pictures of a few of 'the regulars,' generously shared in response to a suggestion from one of the bunch.  (I'll add more as they come.)  Now we'll have faces for those to whom we've been talking all this time!

fivethirtyam at her college reunion in June

Patricia in July

Jane C dining in Lima overlooking the beach

WHH--Warren Howie Hughes

John from Chicago pays me back in my own coin
Richard E--now of Connecticut

Linda Murgap, always having fun

'Brutus' makes an appearance!  (Not his Real Name!)

Wine fancier and world-traveler suejean, all the way from the UK
Suzy M, Creator of The Mr. Happy Pencil Cocktail

Pecantart solves the Sunday puzzle on her iPhone!

B. Lundegaard--found on the Internet!

And we've hit the jackpot with a photo provided by Sara from Chappaqua:
From the left:  Sara, jpgaskell, Janie Smulyan, KarmaSartre, and pjbraxton, all at the ACPT!


  1. Nice to meet some of my fellow Wordplay bloggers via their photos! I have some photos under consideration to send you. "Soon come!" as they say in the Caribbean.

  2. Sacre Bleu! MOL, who is this impostor pretending to be Moi? How dare he take the Liberte of posting his tres ugly puss on your blog!
    I have no other choice than to introduce (after I locate his sorry derriere, but of course) this pathetic poseur to my dear close ami, Lady Guillotine, to be-head him off at the pass, lest he forward even more photos, not nearly as Alain Delon-like handsome, as is this particular one. WHH

  3. Ummm, I see that three of the lovelier Le femmes, with whom I interact in WP are pictured above yours truly,in MOL's informative blog.
    This has been the case for what seems like ages now, bec, just like JFK, I suffer from a bad back, and all my girlfriends have to be on top! ;-)

  4. MOL, where is your pic? KS

  5. If you take a look at the next post--you'll see me! Eventually.

  6. So great to meet Susan and Richard last weekend at Lollapuzzoola. Looking forward to seeing them again in March at ACPT. Now, MOL, when do we get to meet in person?

  7. Grandpa B is enjoying seeing you all here from NYT XWP WordPlayDonna Knight


Rose 'Crepuscular'

Asparagus bed--post harvest

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